My musings on tech and life

2023 Happy Thanksgiving

What am I thankful for? I’m thankful for my wonderful and ever-so-derpy puppy, Aspen. Thankful for my amazing partner who is so incredibly tolerant of me and my antics. Thankful for my friends. Thankful for my talented coworkers. I hope that you have an amazing Thanksgiving if you choose to celebrate it. You deserve it.…
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Seasonal Depression 2023 Edition

If you didn’t know, my dad passed away earlier this year. My dad and I didn’t have much of a relationship after I turned 18. There was a lot involved with that. I’m sure that there were things that I did that gave him more gray hair, and I like to think that he’d be proud of where I’m at today. Sometime after 2001, my dad stopped talking to me completely.…
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OpenAI and AImageddon

Well, if you haven’t heard, there’s some drama afoot in the world of AI. I don’t think I could effectively re-hash what’s going on here, but, from a security engineering point of view, AI/AGI is so new that there’s still a really untapped world of vulnerabilities that is out there to explore. Can you trust your company’s data with a vendor (OpenAI, in this case) who had a 95% staff turnover rate?…
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New Blog, who dis?

So, there was a bit of a shock last month when I got my usual digitalocean bill – it had jumped to nearly $500. While I’ve got a nice job, I don’t want to spend large sums of money every month that basically do nothing but sit idle; it’s time to kill off my bloghost instance. Moving this blog off to cloudflare is the last step in that journey. My thoughts on Ghost If you’re wanting a medium like experience, ghost is probably the best bang for the buck.…
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My thoughts on the St. Rita's incident...

Reading about what happened at St. Rita’s School for the Deaf in Cincinnati is heartbreaking. My little guy went there until he passed, and he even had the teacher who allegedly threw the child down the hallway. I volunteered at the school, setting up a technology program from business donations and program donations from Apple and Google, and have funded a scholarship in my little guy’s honor ever since. I have paused my contributions to St.…
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