My musings on tech and life

Snowflake Security and SAML

There’s been a bit of stories about Snowflake recently; both from users who are recovering from the fact that Snowflake had no velocity limits on their wide open user data buckets, companies who are upset about their lack of meaningful MFA Controls, and then Snowflake reporting that they are now going to force MFA controls on all user accounts. If I’m an administrator at a larger organization, and I’m adding applications to my organization’s SaaS footprint, the baseline is that SSO is a hard requirement.…
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Week Two Update

Well, kids, it’s been two weeks since I received the news that I no longer have a job. I’ve taken it fairly well so far. In the last two weeks, I’ve: Applied for: 547 positions Recruiter Calls: 8 Hiring Manager Interviews: 4 Team Interviews: 3 (Scheduled and have happened) At this point in time, I’m fairly confident that I’ll have a new role before my severance is up. I’m kind of kicking myself for not taking the Riot offer: they gave six months of severance!…
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My Resume Generator

So, After being laid off from my job at Greenhouse last week, I’ve decided to automate my resume and searching tools. After taking a day or two off to kind of figure out what I really wanted my next steps to be, taking a few days off because of a really nasty stomach bug, and taking a few days to enjoy the winter weather with my puppy, I started to look at my gameplan for figuring out what my next steps are.…
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Linear, Carta, and Breakglass

There was some drama over the weekend on X, where the CEO of Linear posted on her timeline that someone from Carta’s Liquidity division is reaching out to angel investors directly about selling linear shares to their buyers. What makes this even more egregious was the response from Henry Ward, Carta’s CEO – who made it seem like this was a lone employee doing something shady and using their break glass to access customer data.…
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Cincinnati We Barely Knew Each Other

I spent the week in my Cincinnati Office. It’s perfect when I want to do things like reverse engineering or work on building random electronic projects that I might have going on in my life. In this particular case, I just wanted to spend some time working on my larger screens and get some of my random work projects cleaned up. When I travel, I generally use my iPad as a second monitor, but, I’ve noticed in the aggressive RF environments (like hotels), my ipad has a tendency to lose its mind, freezing the display, and then I have to wait for everything to time out before I have to disconnect everything and reconnect it again.…
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